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Nov 13, 2022

What is delivery time slot management?

As same day delivery or express delivery being introduced to the manufacturing and retail businesses took the world by storm quite some time before, to impress the customer base of today’s fastest moving world the delivery system requires some advances in favor of the pace. And the Delivery time slot management serves just the purpose!

Deliver time slot management (DTM) is a process that identifies, evaluates and prioritizes the tasks to be completed in order to meet customer demand. DTM can help companies better manage their resources and improve customer service. Which is essential not only for the heightening brand reputation for your company but also to maintain a loyal customer base. Learn what is DTM and how it gives your delivery management the necessary leading edge in this era of instant gratification.

Delivery time slot management:

Delivery time slot management allows your customer to schedule their own delivery according to their convenient time and date. It is done by an optimized time slot booking software. The system allows customers to choose the delivery date from the options as well as the time they want the package to arrive. It isn’t just convenient and flexible for the customers but also because of slot based deliveries there’s almost no instances of products being returned or being on hold. Usually that happens when the customer is unreachable for the delivery man to drop the parcel successfully. Hence, more efficient deliveries and customer satisfaction both can be achieved by delivery time slot management.

Benefits of DTSM:

DTM has given the traditional delivery process a leading edge to increase successful delivery counts and also heightened the customer service standards. It serves both the business and the customers.

The benefits for businesses:

  1. Improved first delivery rate:
    By utilizing the advantage of customer’s input DTM makes it possible for businesses to improve their first delivery rate which is essential for a smooth sailing for any retail business
  2. Improved logistical planning and execution:
    It helps streamlining dispatch and delivery processes as shippers can arrange a sequence for deliveries from scheduled time frames with delivery time slot management, which streamlines the dispatch and delivery operations.Makes it easier for logistic managers to schedule all the dispatches more efficiently. And also, shippers can plan loading and unloading of the products according to specific delivery time slots booked by customers.
  3. Enables Predictive Resource Planning & Capacity Utilization:
    By ensuring that employee availability coincides with the arrival and dispatch of items, delivery time slot management aids proactive resource planning and capacity use. Also helps avoiding resource downtimes and waiting times.
  4. Provides Greater Visibility & Transparency in the Delivery System:Logistics managers can use delivery time slot management to acquire more control over dispatch and delivery activities and remain on top of field operations to assure on-time delivery of orders. It provides a dashboard view of the entire last-mile delivery process, including accurate ETAs and real-time order tracking, giving management more visibility and allowing them to take fast action in the event of unplanned delays. This real-time view assists in the delivery of orders to clients during their preferred delivery hours.
  5. Eliminates Additional Cost of inventory & Reverse Logistics:
    Finally, you can avoid the additional expenditures of storing, transporting, and delivering products that were not delivered on the first try by ensuring delivery of goods during the customer's specified time window.

And for the customers;

  1. Helps to Avoid Delay in Delivery Due to Unavailability:
    Due to the customer's inability to receive the order, delivery is delayed, resulting in order cancellations. Failed deliveries annoy your customers while increasing your overall logistical costs. As a result, it's vital that the order be delivered to the customer when either he or someone on his or her behalf is accessible to receive it at the address. Customers can choose their desired date and time slot for delivery based on their availability, lowering the chances of a missed or failed delivery.

Overall, DTSM promotes brand reputation to be maintained and nurture a loyal customer base while keeping your business thriving. Now how much can your business benefit from the great benefits that DTM provides comes down to the software you will be using and how well can it support your business. In this case, Nuport offers just the perfect solution for the betterment of your business. Nuport’s delivery time slot management system allows your business to work up to it’s full potential with help of the expertised amenities it provides. From booking delivery slots to making a successful delivery with e-proof of delivery,  Nuport's software is designed to provide your business the performance boost it needs to establish a competitive advantage. Schedule your demo today!

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